Monday, February 22, 2010

Is it worth 3 dollars?

You know those shirts that you like, but just don't know if you like it enough to spend the money on it? Well I bought three of those shirts this weekend. Was it worth it? HECK YES! 3 dollar shirts, who can beat that? Um no one. I worn one today, not my favorite shirt, but it was three dollars! I feel like it is a little big, and not super "fashionable" but it is cute and warm so I decided I could put up with it for a day, get my 3 dollars worth. When I saw my sweet, sweet fiance this morning the first words out of his mouth were, "I really really like that shirt! You look great!" What more could a gal ask for? WELL, let me brag a bit more about the love of my life. I was in Colorado Wednesday night through Sunday morning. I woke up early, spent six hours in an airport, did not get much sleep, walked into my apartment and was automatically annoyed. I just was not "at home", I was tired, and just needed to be somewhere else. When Danny had dropped me off, he told me to just put my stuff down and go to his place while he went to church. So, what did I do? I left. I went to Danny's, exhausted, ready to walk into another "messy" house (which I am more okay with because I know how busy he gets and how his time is spent, and plus, I love him. He gets a break), and am overwhelmed. The busy, tired, over worked, always on the run, doing something for someone else man cleaned his house...for me, because he knew how much I would appreciate it. How much more could I ask for? I know corny, however, I appreciate his little ways of showing me he loves me. I love how he enjoys running errands with me. I love how he is so kind and caring. Seriously, what 22 year old will clean his house because he knows someone else will love it? Not very many. Danny is definitely worth $3. In fact, I would say he is priceless. Good thing I am "buying" him for eternity.

Anna Liggett Anderson, YOU are indeed worth my three dollars! I love reading your blog! I wish I was as clever as you!

Good reading, a great guy, a wonderful family, what more could I ask for?


  1. I want to see pictures of these cute shirts!! I just bought three new shirts too! 3 shirts for 21 dollars. :) and one is TOTALLY me... hahaha you'll see soon enough.

  2. Hahah, whoo I got a shout out on your blog! Thanks, Monkey Face.
