Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ain't life great!?

I decided to stay in Rexburg for the Winter because 1) the seven week break was difficult enough not being with Danny (who I knew I was going to marry even then) and we weren't even dating yet. 2) Because Thanksgiving Break was difficult enough and it was only a couple of days long for me. and 3) I figure it would be easier to find a job in Rexburg where I am staying for a couple of years instead of Colorado where I would have to be hired and trained in three months before I quit, and I could take a few classes. Alas, finding a job is not going as planned and every time I fill out applications I just get frustrated and discouraged. I was only able to register for one class (once a week). Luckily it is with the love of my life and Angie, (my future sister-in-law) who I love!
I sit at home applying for jobs, going to places picking up applications and dropping them and my ever so lengthy (unfortunately not) resume off. I stalk everyone on Facebook and their dog and just stress about everything I need to get done, but feel as if I can not.
I hate the love of my life's friend. He is awful! I wish I had met him before he went off the deep end, but everyday he inevitably ends up screwing him over. What a friend. Why can't people just be honest!?


  1. I am jealous, jealous, jealous.

  2. I know kinda how you feel. I love you. And I'm always here for you. :) People do suck sometimes... but it doesn't matter, you've found the man you want to spend the rest of your life with!

  3. haha way to put it out there for Danny's friend! I miss the old him a lot. Love the blog!
